Equal?, 1984.  

Black Walnut

7.5" H x 7.5" W x 4.75" D

Laurie made this early work in response to a frustrating experience in Brooklyn.  As she rode her bicycle down Ocean Parkway, she noticed an African American boy ahead of her, being mercilessly chased and harassed by two older white teens. Incredulous, she sped up on her bike and cut off the teens, yelling, throwing her bike in front of them, distracting them, screaming at them to leave the kid alone.  They left, and she made sure the kid was okay. 

This event made her realize that the notion of equality is much easier announced than truly accomplished, and perhaps impossible to enforce fully.  The piece’s eagle is America, and in the eagle’s eye is a tiny prison.  Look closely.


Wrong Note


In Memoriam